About Us

H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Founder of Sahaja Yoga

We are a non-profit organization that offers free meditation and community events to the public- always open and free of cost. Our events promote the rich spiritual and cultural heritage of eternal value. Sahaja Yoga meditation was founded by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1970 and is offered in over 90 countries, transforming lives and bringing peace.

Some of our past events include an exhibition at the Johns Hopkins University in Maryland, where students and visitors learnt about the greatness of the human spirit along with meditation.

Music programs with renowned musicians, exhibitions in honor of great historic personalities and art workshops are just a few from a host of events and workshops we offer.

Sahaja Yoga founder, Shri Mataji, has received numerous awards for her contribution to uplift humanity in so many ways. Some of these awards include being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, declared Personality of the Year in Italy, New York Proclamation Day in Her honor, awarded Honorary Doctorate in Cognitive Science in Romania, awarded Honorary Member of the Petrovskaya Academy of Art and Science (of which very few- Einstein being one, are granted this privilege), and many more awards.

Read more about

H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi at shrimataji.org